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April 23, 2019

How to Set-Up Master-Slave Replication for PostgreSQL 11 on Ubuntu 18.04

How to Set-Up Master-Slave Replication for PostgreSQL 11 on Ubuntu 18.04

PostgreSQL or Postgres is an open source object-relational management system (ORDBMS) with quite fifteen years of active development. It’s a robust db server and might handle high workloads. PostgreSQL may be used on Linux, Unix, BSD, and Windows servers.

In this tutorial, we will set up PostgreSQL 11 Master-Slave Replication on Ubuntu 18.04 server. we are going to use Hot standby mode for this purpose.

What we will do:

  • Install PostgreSQL 11.
  • Configure UFW Firewall.
  • Configure MASTER Server.
  • Configure SLAVE Server.
  • Copy PostgreSQL Data from MASTER to SLAVE.


  • Ubuntu 18.04 server
    • MASTER– Allowing Read and Write – IP: – 15.0.10.M (Using M as denotation for Master Server)
  • Ubuntu 18.04 server
    • SLAVE– Only Read – IP: – 15.0.10.S (Using S as denotation for Slave Server)
  • Root Privileges

Step 1 – Install PostgreSQL 11

In this tutorial, we will install the latest version of PostgreSQL 11. In the official Ubuntu repository, they provide PostgreSQL 10 only, so we need to install the latest version from the PostgreSQL repository directly.

Add the postgreSQL 11 repository to the sources.list.d directory.

echo 'deb http://apt.postgresql.org/pub/repos/apt/ xenial-pgdg main' | tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/postgresql.list

And import the PostgreSQL signing key to the system.

wget -q https://www.postgresql.org/media/keys/ACCC4CF8.asc -O - | sudo apt-key add -

Now update the system repository with apt command.

apt-get update

Next, install the PosgreSQL 11 package with the apt command below.

apt-get install -y postgresql-11 postgresql-contrib-11

If the installation has been completed, add it to start automatically at boot time.

systemctl enable postgresql

By default, PostgreSQL is running on the localhost ( IP address with port 5432 on Ubuntu, check it with netstat command.

netstat -plntu

PostgreSQL 11 is running on the system. In the next step, we have to configure a password for the postgres user.

From the root account, log in to the postgres user with the su command, then access the postgres front-end terminal psql.

su - postgres

Please change the password for the postgres user and check the connection info with postgres queries below.

\password postgres

PostgreSQL 11 has been installed on the system, is running without error and the password for postgres user has been updated.

Repeat the same for another server.

Step 2 – Configure UFW Firewall

UFW or Uncomplicated Firewall is an application to manage the iptables based firewall on Ubuntu. UFW is the default firewall configuration tool for Ubuntu Linux and provides a user-friendly way to configure the firewall.

We can install ufw from the main Ubuntu repository with the apt command.

apt-get install -y ufw

Add new services to the UFW firewall: add SSH and PostgreSQL services with commands below.

ufw allow ssh
ufw allow postgresql

Enable the UFW firewall and check the status.

ufw enable
ufw status

UFW firewall has been installed and the PostgreSQL service has been added.


Run step 1 and step 2 on the MASTER and SLAVE server.

Step 3 – Configure the PostgreSQL MASTER Server

The master server has the IP address 15.0.10.M, and the postgres service will run under that IP with default port. The master server will have permission for the READ and WRITE to the database, and perform streaming replication to the slave server.

Go to the postgres configuration directory ‘/etc/postgresql/11/main‘ and edit the postgresql.conf file with nano.

cd /etc/postgresql/11/main/
nano postgresql.conf

Uncomment ‘listen_addresses’ line and change the value to the master server IP address ‘15.0.10.M‘.

listen_addresses = '15.0.10.M'

Uncomment ‘wal_level’ line and change value to the ‘ replica‘.

wal_level = replica

wal_level determines how much information is written to the WAL. The default value is replica, which writes enough data to support WAL archiving and replication, including running read-only queries on a standby server. minimal removes all logging except the information required to recover from a crash or immediate shutdown. Finally, logical adds information necessary to support logical decoding. Each level includes the information logged at all lower levels. This parameter can only be set at server start.
In releases prior to 9.6, this parameter also allowed the values archive and hot_standby. These are still accepted but mapped to replica.

For the synchronization level, we will use local sync. Uncomment and change value line as below.

synchronous_commit = local

Enable archiving mode and change the archive_command option to the command ‘cp %p /var/lib/postgresql/11/main/archive/%f’.

archive_mode = on
archive_command = 'cp %p /var/lib/postgresql/11/main/archive/%f'

For the ‘Replication’ settings, in this tutorial we use 2 servers only, master and slave, uncomment the ‘wal_sender‘ line and change value to 2, and for the ‘wal_keep_segments‘ value is 10.

max_wal_senders = 2
wal_keep_segments = 10

For the application name, uncomment ‘synchronous_standby_names’ line and change the value to the name ‘pgslave001‘.

synchronous_standby_names = 'pgslave001'

Save the file and exit the editor.

In the postgresql.conf file, the archive mode is enabled, so we need to create a new directory for the archive. Create a new archive directory, change the permission and change the owner to the postgres user.

mkdir -p /var/lib/postgresql/11/main/archive/
chmod 700 /var/lib/postgresql/11/main/archive/
chown -R postgres:postgres /var/lib/postgresql/11/main/archive/

Next, edit pg_hba.conf file for authentication configuration.

nano pg_hba.conf

Paste configuration below to the end of the line.

# Localhost
host    replication     replica            md5

# PostgreSQL Master IP address
host    replication     replica          15.0.10.M/32            md5

# PostgreSQL SLave IP address
host    replication     replica          15.0.10.S/32            md5

Save and exit, then restart PostgreSQL.

systemctl restart postgresql

PostgreSQL is running under the IP address 15.0.10.M, check it with netstat command.

netstat -plntu

Next, create a new user for replication. We will create a new user named ‘replica‘ with password ‘aqwe123@‘. Please choose a secure password here for your setup! Log in to the postgres user and access the postgres front-end terminal psql.

su - postgres

Create new ‘replica‘ user with password ‘aqwe123@‘ with postgres query below.


Now check the new user with ‘du‘ query below, and you will see the replica user with replication privileges.


MASTER server configuration has been completed.

Step 4 – Configure SLAVE Server

The SLAVE server has IP address 15.0.10.S. And this server will only have a READ permission to the database. The Postgres database server will run under the IP address of the server, not a localhost IP.

Stop the postgres service on the slave server with the systemctl command below.

systemctl stop postgresql

Go to the Postgres configuration directory ‘/etc/postgresql/11/main‘, then edit the configuration file ‘postgresql.conf‘.

cd /etc/postgresql/11/main/
nano postgresql.conf

Uncomment the listen_addresses line and replace the value with the slave server IP address 15.0.10.S.

listen_addresses = '15.0.10.S'

Uncomment ‘wal_level’ line and change the value to the ‘replica‘.

wal_level = replica

For the synchronization level, uncomment the synchronous_commit line and change the value as shown below.

synchronous_commit = local

For the replication setting, uncomment the max_wal_senders line and replace the value with ‘2‘ because just use 2 servers. And for the wal_keep_segments, change the value to ‘10‘.

max_wal_senders = 2
wal_keep_segments = 10

Uncomment the ‘synchronous_standby_names’ line for the application name and change value to the name ‘pgslave001‘.

synchronous_standby_names = 'pgslave001'

Enable hot_standby for the slave server by uncommenting the following line and change value to ‘on‘.

hot_standby = on

Save the file and exit the editor.

Step 5 – Copy PostgreSQL Data from the MASTER to the SLAVE

Next, we want to replace the postgres main directory on the ‘SLAVE‘ server with the main data directory from ‘MASTER‘ server.

Log in to the SLAVE server and access postgres user.

su - postgres

Go to the postgres data directory ‘main‘ and backup it by renaming the directory name.

cd /var/lib/postgresql/11/
mv main main-backup-01

Create new ‘main‘ directory as ‘postgres‘ user and make sure have a permission like the main-backup-01 directory.

mkdir main/
chmod 700 main/

Next, copy the main directory from the MASTER server to the SLAVE server with pg_basebackup command, we will use replica user to perform this data copy.

pg_basebackup -h 15.0.10.M -U replica -D /var/lib/postgresql/11/main -P

When the data transfer is complete, go to the main data directory and create a new recovery.conf file.

cd /var/lib/postgresql/11/main/
nano recovery.conf

Paste the configuration below:

standby_mode = 'on'
primary_conninfo = 'host=15.0.10.M port=5432 user=replica password=aqwe123@ application_name=pgslave001'
restore_command = 'cp /var/lib/postgresql/11/main/archive/%f %p'
trigger_file = '/tmp/postgresql.trigger.5432'

Save and exit, then change the permissions of the file to 600 with chmod.

chmod 600 recovery.conf

Now exit from postgres user and start PostgreSQL 11 on the SLAVE server and make sure the postgres service is running on IP address 15.0.10.S with netstat.

systemctl start postgresql
netstat -plntu

Data transfer and configuration for the SLAVE server has been completed.

Step 6 – Testing

For testing, we will check the replication status of the PostgreSQL 11 and try to create a new table on the MASTER server, then check the replication by checking all data from the SLAVE server.

Log in to the MASTER server and log in to the postgres user.

su - postgres

Run psql commands below to see the replication status.

psql -c "select application_name, state, sync_priority, sync_state from pg_stat_replication;"
psql -x -c "select * from pg_stat_replication;"

You will get the results as below.

Next, try to create a new table from the MASTER server. Log in to the postgres user on the master server.

su - postgres

And create a new table named ‘replica_test‘ and insert data to the table by running postgres queries below.

CREATE TABLE replica_test (hakase varchar(100));
INSERT INTO replica_test VALUES ('Test Value 01');
INSERT INTO replica_test VALUES ('Test value is from Master DB');
INSERT INTO replica_test VALUES ('Yeyy.. your Replication is working');

Next, login to the postgres user on the SLAVE server and access the psql terminal.

su - postgres

Check data on the ‘replica_test‘ table with postgres query below.

select * from replica_test;

And you will get same data as on the MASTER, it’s replicated from the MASTER server to the SLAVE server.

Additional test:

Test to write on the SLAVE server with the query below.

INSERT INTO replica_test VALUES ('this is SLAVE');

And you will get an error message about ‘Cannot execute INSERT‘ query on the SLAVE server.

Installation and Configuration of the PostgreSQL 11 with Master-Slave Replication on Ubuntu 18.04 Xenial Xerus has been successful.

Refer this for Postgres 13https://rsupernova.com/how-to-setup-master-slave-replication-in-postgres-13/

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  • mlo

    Thanks very much. It’s very useful and help me to learn more in postgres server.

    God bless u.

    3:17 am January 27, 2020 Reply
  • Anonymous

    You saved my life.. God bless you.
    To be honest, i wasn’t confident about this article as it there were other pages which much more detailed explanation.

    But this worked like a charm. Thank you so much for this wonderful article Rajesh.

    8:12 pm September 29, 2020 Reply
    • jis

      hey can u please help me for my above command

      5:08 pm May 29, 2021 Reply
  • Rakas Z

    Hello Bro, does this work also for postgresql 13 ?

    9:10 am March 3, 2021 Reply
  • jis

    hello Rajesh,
    I have set wal_keep_segment high as 18000,min_wal_size as 2GB and max_wal_size as 4GB but got error as below

     LOG: checkpoints are occurring too frequently (27 seconds apart)
    HINT: Consider increasing the configuration parameter “max_wal_size“.

    so I increased the min_wal_size and max_wal_size to 16GB

    But , when load is more in primary , then secondary gets lag and it stop replication after a while giving error as “wal not found”.

    Please suggest me something which further changes to be. done in the config file .please let me know

    swapon -s
    Filename Type Size Used Priority
    /swap.img                file   8388604 519016 -2

     grep Swap /proc/meminfo
    SwapCached:    50120 kB
    SwapTotal:    8388604 kB
    SwapFree:    7869588 kB

    above are the output for swap.

    In will be obliged with any help . Please i am stuck like help.
    Awaiting for a positive response.

    5:06 pm May 29, 2021 Reply
  • Andy

    After setting everything up as instructed I started postgres and got the following output. Please help me

    root@welcome18:~# tail -f /var/log/postgresql/postgresql-12-main.log
    2023-05-30 09:31:56.052 UTC [3513] LOG: listening on IPv4 address “”, port 5432
    2023-05-30 09:31:56.053 UTC [3513] LOG: listening on IPv6 address “::”, port 5432
    2023-05-30 09:31:56.056 UTC [3513] LOG: listening on Unix socket “/var/run/postgresql/.s.PGSQL.5432”
    2023-05-30 09:31:56.115 UTC [3514] LOG: database system was shut down at 2023-05-26 07:05:09 UTC
    2023-05-30 09:31:56.115 UTC [3514] FATAL: using recovery command file “recovery.conf” is not supported
    2023-05-30 09:31:56.119 UTC [3513] LOG: startup process (PID 3514) exited with exit code 1
    2023-05-30 09:31:56.119 UTC [3513] LOG: aborting startup due to startup process failure
    2023-05-30 09:31:56.125 UTC [3513] LOG: database system is shut down

    3:16 pm May 30, 2023 Reply
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